The Problem of SHORT BREATH / Short ExHALE

The Problem of SHORT BREATH/Short ExHALE

Accumulation of EXHALE – Nov-22-2023


ANAPANA Breath Observation in 2 sentences:- Experiencing or feeling the inhaled air, “within and inside the perimeter of nose organ/ within the nose body,” observe every exhaled Actual Air through the mind’s eye or the inner vision.


Many times one may wake up to find the urge to QUICKLY exhale a few times as one feels he is choking on breath.

One has to EXHALE EXPLICITLY forcefully through the nostrils a few times to avoid choking due to the breath or accumulation of EXHALE (Co2).


Now this problem is due to the sudden change in breath pattern where the breath is SHORT and where the EXHALE through nostrils is not enough or complete.


We can correct the breath pattern in 2 ways;-


Method-1 (ANAPANA)


First, SLOWLY EXHALE 2-3 times explicitly through the nostrils

Here one sits comfortably and relaxed. EYES are CLOSED, MOUTH SHUT.

DO NOT CONTROL the breath here, the breath movement shall be automatic in backward and forward motion.


Exhale once through nostrils, slowly, once more


ANAPANA Breath Observation in 2 sentences:- Experiencing or feeling the inhaled air, “within and inside the perimeter of nose organ/ within the nose body,” observe every exhaled Actual Air through the mind’s eye or the inner vision.


Do this for at least a minute or two.


Do this 2-3 times a day.


END [ You will now notice that the breath is now going up to the stomach and there is no more short breath]






PERFORM ANULOM VILOM making sure to observe with inner vision or mind’s eye within the perimeter of the NOSE [inside of nose]

About Sunil

All the posts that I write on High BP,Tinnitus, gastro-paresis or breathing issues are my own personal experience on how I managed them. My Intention is to only share what I did to come out of them or managed the complex issues I faced. But please use your own discretion and best judgement when following guidelines as listed by me in my posts, blog or replies- Also Most of these issues are now resolved with help of Breathing exercises and Ayurveda, and yes, also some help from doctors as an immediate attention to these to provide instant relief. The cure however comes from Ayurveda and Pranayam techniques Thanks
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