How does a BEING with MATERIAL BODY learn to connect with the eternal being aka SOUL? Nov-18-2023

How does a BEING with MATERIAL BODY learn to
connect with the eternal being aka SOUL? Nov-18-2023


When one gets the NEW iPhone and operates software apps, he can see ALL THE DATA that was created after the phone was bought.


Then Bhikkhuu’s, How does one connect back to previous data stored and operated on previous phones?


When the operator aka “a being” is connected to the iPhone with “cloud storage aka his Google account”, for example, the operator aka a BEING is now able to see DATA that was created newly on this newly bought iPhone as well as he can see data carried forward from the previous phones software/apps with the help of GOOGLE ACCOUNT which is a CLOUD STORAGE for all his data.


Also, the point to be noted here is that previous DATA JUST RE_APPEARS when the iPHONE is connected to CLOUD STORAGE, this DATA IS NOT RE-BORN.

But iPHONE can bring previously carried forward data only when it connects to the CLOUD STORAGE.

Thus, this is a JOURNEY OF A BEING who continues to use his software apps with various NEW PHONES, till the journey of a BEING is completed until death.


Now Bhikkhuus’, In the SAME way when a BEING is born with a MIND-BODY and DEFAULT CONSCIOUSNESSES that gives him specific bodily features and CONSCIOUSNESSES to operate in a certain specific way and he continues to live and operate as per the MATERIAL CONSCIOUSNESSES that he collects or acquires over the lifetime from birth till date.


But Bhikkhuu’s, how does one BRING PREVIOUSLY CARRIED FORWARD CONSCIOUSNESSES that made the present birth possible in a newly acquired BODY?


It is the job of the “BEING”, to first recognize himself as NOT just a body but as a SOUL, A BEINGS has to connect with the SOUL FIRST so that he can DIP into SOUL-CONSCIOUSNESSES aka previous BIRTH CONSCIOUSNESSES that were collected across several births.


Being BORN in a NEW BODY, a “being”, continues to operate as per newly acquired CONSCIOUSNESSES in this present birth and IGNORANTLY CONTINUES to believe that he is a MIND_BODY and thus until he learns to connect with the SOUL by taking a SPIRITUAL PATH, his journey to merge with higher self aka BRAHMAN remains unfulfilled and the cycle of MISERY aka Birth-suffering-Death continues to haunt him till he has understood the path to a nibbana by recognizing first that he is not a BODY, but a SOUL and so he must collect CONSCIOUSNESSES that are blissful and NOT CONDITIONED by Craving/aversion/delusion (I, Me, Mine AKA EGO) and CLINGING.


A BEING then learns the truth about suffering (4 Noble truths, cause-origination-cessation of suffering), and learns 8 noble paths by not creating CONSCIOUSNESSES that are CONDITIONED by Craving/aversion/delusion (I, Me, Mine AKA EGO) and CLINGING. 

He further learns techniques of mindfulness, and insight meditation, and thus learns how the CONSCIOUSNESSES are fabricated in the first place by following formula of  12 DEPENDENT LINKS. He then learns to CLEANSE CONSCIOUSNESSES and is thus able to connect back to the SOUL after the SELF REALIZATION.

About Sunil

All the posts that I write on High BP,Tinnitus, gastro-paresis or breathing issues are my own personal experience on how I managed them. My Intention is to only share what I did to come out of them or managed the complex issues I faced. But please use your own discretion and best judgement when following guidelines as listed by me in my posts, blog or replies- Also Most of these issues are now resolved with help of Breathing exercises and Ayurveda, and yes, also some help from doctors as an immediate attention to these to provide instant relief. The cure however comes from Ayurveda and Pranayam techniques Thanks
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